Interview with Rochelle Mcpherson

Published on 24 June 2024 at 21:40

Rochelle Jade McPherson was born and raised in Dudley, West Midlands and completed her BA (Hons) in Adult Nursing back in 2020. She has always had a strong love for books, and has been writing little snippets over the years. The idea for The Darkest Prince came to light in 2016, just a few short months after the birth of her daughter. When she started her nursing studies, her writing was put on the back burner, and it wasn't until the global pandemic hit, she decided to return to the little world she had created, and finally finish the story. Fast forward a few years, and The Darkest Prince is finally LIVE in the world, and she is so excited to share her little piece of forever with you all. Rochelle is an avid bookworm and loves to lose herself in the world of all things fantasy! When she's not got her head stuck in a book, she enjoys long walks with her friends, quality time with her family and embarking on new adventures. Rochelle is still a nurse and works on the busy surgical assessment unit at the local hospital.


Welcome to the blog, so excited to have you here. So...The Darkest Prince, your first debut novel! How are you feeling, bet you are over the moon to have so much support?


I am beyond grateful with the support and love I have received since releasing my first book! Honestly, it was such a daunting thought, knowing that my book baby was finally going to be out in the world! It still feels so surreal, seeing my name on the front cover of a book!


We live very near each other, and we have actually met in person, one of the only authors that I have met to talk all things books! You mentioned you've been writing this for a while, what made it be published now and not before?

So I’ll be honest, when I started writing The Darkest Prince, it was purely for a little escape. I had not long had my daughter, and trying to balance mom-life with work-life was overwhelming. Writing helped. And it became a perfect little escape/hobby. It wasn’t until the pandemic hit, and I finally finished the first draft, that I decided to see what would happen if I queried with publishers! Never did I imagine it would become a physical copy sitting on my shelf!


Tell us a fun fact about yourself?


I am a registered nurse in the adult field, and qualified way back in 2020 – right being the Covid Pandemic! Scary times but I did it!


For those who haven't heard about the book yet, what's it about?


The Darkest Prince follows a young witch called Evie Gray. Following the mysterious death of her parents, and the disappearance of her only brother, she decides to leave the magical world behind and seek solace amongst the normads (non-magical folk!)...However, the past always has a way of catching up, and Evie soon finds herself thrown back into the world of magic, demons, and long-forgotten ancient creatures. As she desperately searches for answers surrounding her past, a puzzle of secrets are finally revealed, and she must find a way to protect her friends as they each stand dangerously on the edge of a dark war with the most ancient of supernatural creatures...


I'm literally so proud of you, this was definitely one of my favourite books of all time, how has your family and friends reacted? Have they read the book?


Thank you! Honestly, everyone has really been so supportive throughout the entire journey! Fantasy is not for everyone, and I truly do appreciate those who have bought the book AND read it! I am still overwhelmed by how many people have actually bought a copy! I have cried so many happy tears over the last few weeks!


I only have a handful of book boyfriends, but I think you may have known by my text messages when reading how frustrating it was for me, I kept crying, and Jack has took one of the top spots for book boyfs. Was this your intention to get everyone hyped up for him?


Absolutely! I just bloody love him...and I am so glad others feel the same too! He was a dream to write!


Are the characters in the novel influenced by anyone you know?


Hehe! That’s my secret to keep....Just kidding...I have taken certain personalities from friends etc...and incorporated them into my characters of The Circle. The rest of the characters are completely from my imagination!

The world building were an incredible part of this book, did you have a map in your head when planning or did you get inspiration from any films or tv?

Thank you! It means so much to hear that. World building isn’t the easiest of tasks, especially in fantasy, so hearing this truly has made me smile! I had a map in my head of the Fae courts...I always knew they would be linked closely together. At one point, I did sketch out a map...but I am not the greatest artist ha! So that was purely for my own benefit! I did take some inspiration from the Shadow Hunter Series, especially with regards to The Circle and The Academy!

I've been keeping an update on your writing, how would you say you manage being a mother, having a full-time job, and now an author?

Oh gosh, it’s not easy! I write when I can! Trying to balance it all needs a whole lot of organisation, and I am doing better! I tend to write on my days off...when the little one is at school and I have the house to myself...but I do prefer to write a know...set the scene with candles, music etc... My job is very stressful, so writing helps to de-stress and switch off from the nursing side of my life!


Your book cover is incredible, who designed it?


Myself :) I always knew I wanted to keep it simple, yet effective. And I feel it works really well! Especially with the fire...which plays an important aspect in the FMC’s magic life!


Which bit in the whole of your book would you say was the best scene you wrote/favourite?


The ‘first kiss’ scene....I absolutely LOVED writing this, and finally seeing the main characters together after a whole load of flirtatious banter!


The twists and turns in this book, at one point made me feel sick because I couldn't pick my jaw up off the floor, sometimes in books you can kind of guess where its going, but with yours...I couldn't. Did you plan all these, or did you just kind of go with the flow as you were writing?


To be honest....I did not plan at all. I’m more of a ‘let’s write and see what happens’ kinda girl! Although....this worked great for The Darkest Prince...I’m finding book 2 needed a whole lot of planning! I hope you’re prepared for the twists and turns in the next book!


What were the steps in getting your book published?

I’ll be honest, I did not have the slightest idea what I was doing! At the time, I have never heard of indie-publishing or self-publishing as it is also referred to. I literally just google searched publishers that were accepting submissions without an agent (because let’s face it, getting an agent is like winning the lottery – it’s hard!) and went from there. I sent the manuscript off to about four or five different publishers, and had positive responses from each one., and after doing some research, I finally made the decision to sign a contract with Olympia Publishers.

Do you have any advice for fellow writers out there?


The first draft is just that. The first draft. Write, re-write, many times as you want. This is YOUR book not let it out of your hands until you are 100% certain it is right. This was the mistake I made, and it’s taken many bumps in the road, and endless tears to get to the point I am at now!

What's next in the writing world for Rochelle?

I am currently finishing up with the final draft of book 2 in the series – The Heir of Lost Souls, which will be going off to my editor later this month! I am so bloody excited for this one! I am also working on a separate project at the moment – completely non-fantasy related – which I plan to release Spring of 2025! This one is a dark contemporary romance and will form part of a duology!





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